Snow agate


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Snow agate

Snow agate is a small smooth white oval shaped mineral that is found on Bali. It gets its name from its white color that resembles freshly fallen snow. This mineral is a type of agate and is also known as white agate. It is a unique and beautiful gemstone that exhibits a range of interesting features.

One of the most prominent features of mineral is the small openings within the mineral. These openings, also known as vesicles, were formed when bubbles of gas were trapped within the molten lava that cooled to form the stone. Once the lava solidifies, it leaves behind these small pockets, which give the stone a distinctive and fascinating appearance.

Snow agate is also characterized by very tiny crystals that are present within the openings of the stone. These crystals are formed when mineral-laden water seeps into the vesicles and over time, crystallizes. These tiny crystals can be black, brown, or grey in color and are usually only visible through a magnifying glass.

The physical properties of snow agate make it an ideal gemstone for various jewelry applications. With a Mohs hardness of 6.5 to 7, it is relatively hard and durable, making it an ideal material for carving, cutting, and polishing. Snow agate is often used in rings, pendants, and bracelets where its beautiful appearance and unique properties can be showcased.


This agate is believed to have various metaphysical properties that make it beneficial for its wearers. In ancient times, it was believed to have protective powers that could ward off negative energy and promote positive thoughts. It is also believed to have the ability to reduce stress, increase clarity of thought, and improve mental focus.

In conclusion, snow agate is a beautiful and unique gemstone that is found on Bali. Its small smooth white oval shape with openings containing tiny crystals makes it fascinating. With its durability and hardness, it is a perfect material for jewelry and it is believed to have metaphysical properties that can be beneficial to its wearers. Snow agate is truly a gemstone that is worth exploring.

Additional information

Weight 0,094 kg
Dimensions 6,5 × 4 × 3 cm


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